Class of 2020 Commemorative Bats
Unfortunately due to the current situation we are living in, many seniors across the country in both high school and college had their senior seasons abruptly ended. We understand what a senior year means for most athletes, countless hours of training and preparation, an anticipation for the season to start, and the hopes of making some unforgettable memories. When we reflect on our baseball careers ourselves, we feel heavily for the student athletes who got their final season taken away from them.
As a way to honor a senior's playing career, whether they were a high school or college senior, we wanted to offer a customizable commemorative display bat. Each bat can be personalized to match your athlete's team colors, or go a simple but clean route with an all white bat. The player's name, class year, and school attended will be engraved on the barrel as well as the team's logo (optional).
In years past, we have personalized bats upon request for athlete's senior days, final game, or an end of the year player's banquet and we understood how much it meant to the athlete's when they received them. These bats are completely commemorative and not to be used in games, but they make for a great display bat to put on a wall in a bedroom or living room. In the midst of this chaos, we wanted to offer something to potentially brighten someone's day and honor a baseball career that was cut short.
Below you will find a few images some bats we have done in the past and a group of some our seniors last year. Some team's in the past have decided to go with the team's traditional colors: black and orange, green and yellow, grey and maroon, etc but some team's have also gone a different route with an all white bat with black lettering. Most of the display bats we have done in the past have been all white.
To personalize yours click here.
If you have any questions about designing a bat, or getting bulk pricing for your team feel free to shoot us an e-mail at contactus@gmail.com.